Power Your Drive Pricing Plan
Power Your Drive offers a pricing plan that changes hourly to encourage drivers to charge during grid-friendly times. Set a maximum price you're willing to pay. The charging station will stop charging when the hourly price exceeds your max price. Set it and forget it... YOU'RE IN CONTROL.
Power Your Drive participants pay, on average, around $0.19 per kilowatt hour which translates to paying around $1.60 for a gallon of gas. (EPA 24.7 miles/gallon avg/ EPA 3 miles/kWh avg) * $0.19 = $1.56/gallon of gas.)
The Power Your Drive bill is separate from your SDG&E bill. Some participating drivers' bills are paid for by their management. In that case, obtain your site ID from your employer, apartment community or condominium association.
Power Your Drive Map
To view a site's day ahead or historical pricing plan, click on the corresponding charging station icon. Confirm the site ID matches your site.