2022 California Arrearage
Payment Program (2022 CAPP)

SDG&E has applied all 2022 CAPP assistance funds directly to qualified customer bills, and no additional funds are available. 2022 CAPP was a state program to help eligible residential customers reduce past-due energy bills incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic.
SDG&E offers other assistance programs and payment arrangements to help with monthly utility bills. Learn more and see if you qualify.
How It Works
Residential customers with an unpaid energy utility bill for charges incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic period of March 4, 2020 and December 31, 2021 may be eligible for a 2022 CAPP credit. This bill credit is a courtesy of the State of California and is intended to help customers that fell behind on their energy bills due to the economic impacts of COVID-19. Funds will be automatically applied in January 2023.
Additionally, there are many other assistance programs available to help with monthly utility bills, including flexible payment options. Learn more about other assistance programs.