Emergency Preparedness and Safety

Strengthening our network of partners to provide year-round resiliency, emergency preparedness and rapid response during crises.

Emergency Preparedness and Safety

SDG&E supports and fosters strategic communication with local first responders and safety partners to develop public safety programs that encourage emergency preparedness, response and recovery planning.

  • SDG&E's Emergency Preparedness and Safety giving initiative has enabled more than 500 active volunteers to respond to community emergencies such as wildfires and floods, protect more than 50,000 homes and structures through defensible space projects and provide fire safety outreach and education programs. 
  • SDG&E partners with organizations like Access to Independence, American Red Cross, Deaf Community Services and Meals on Wheels to provide customized disaster preparation services to community members with individual needs and challenges.      
  • Through investments in five different first responder training academies throughout the region, SDG&E has provided opportunities for historically underrepresented individuals to become EMTs and firefighters to diversify the local workforce and mirror the communities they serve. 

Grant Details

Thank you for your interest in applying for a Safe San Diego grant.  Applications are no longer being accepted.  If you have questions, contact  sdgecommunity@sdge.com(link sends email).

public safety training center image

SDG&E Safe San Diego 2024 Grant Recipients

SDG&E's Emergency Preparedness and Safety grant initiative invests in nonprofit organizations whose programs and services support emergency preparedness and safety. As the region faces natural disasters such as wildfires, flooding and even hurricanes, our partnerships with first responders help ensure vulnerable residents are protected. SDG&E also collaborates with local organizations that focus on fostering safety within schools and communities with specific needs.

SDG&E is proud to announce the 2024 recipients of its Emergency Preparedness and Safety grant initiative. This year, recipients were awarded close to $1M in shareholder funded grants to educate and prepare under-resourced communities and strengthen emergency response capacity.


Access to Independence 


Heartland Regional Fire Training Academy


San Diego Blood Bank  



American Red Cross San Diego/Imperial Counties 


Heaven's Windows 


San Diego Continuing Education Foundation on behalf of City of San Diego Fire Department 

American Red Cross -Orange County Chapter 


Home of Guiding Hands  


San Diego County Crime Stoppers 

Animal Fire Rescue Training 


Info Line of San Diego County/2-1-1 San Diego


San Diego County Deputy Sheriffs Foundation 

ARC of San Diego  


Inter Tribal Long Term Recovery Foundation


San Diego County Fire Chiefs Association Training Officers Section 

Burn Institute San Diego and San Diego County Fire CERT Program


Jacobs and Cushman San Diego Food Bank 


San Diego Fire-Rescue Foundation 

Cleveland National Forest


Meals On Wheels Greater San Diego, Inc.


San Diego Oasis 

Deaf Community Services of San Diego, Inc.


Miramar College Foundation Inc 


San Diego Police Foundation
 ElderHelp of San Diego Neighborhood House Association   San Diego Seniors Community Foundation 

Facilitating Access to Coordinated Transportation (FACT)


Orange County Fire Authority Foundation 


San Diego Regional Fire & Emergency Services Foundation 

Feeding America San Diego 


Orange County Sheriffs Advisory Council  


San Diego Regional Police Athletic League (STAR PAL) 

Fire Service Training Institute 


Orange County United Way on behalf of 2-1-1 Orange County 

Southwestern College Foundation 
Firefighteraid  Palomar College Foundation  Valley Center Amateur Radio Club Inc 
Forest Fire Lookout Association   React Amateur Radio Club Valley Center Fire Department Foundation

SDG&E and Safety Partners Help Residents Become "Red Cross Ready"

The Prepare San Diego initiative, led by the American Red Cross of San Diego and Imperial Counties and funded in part by SDG&E, has helped tens of thousands of vulnerable residents across the region prepare for fire emergencies. 

Prepare San Diego installs smoke alarms in hundreds of homes and provides residents with information around home fires and wildfires. The initiative also distributed 15,000 Preparedness Bags and Prepare San Diego books in English and Spanish to residents in predominantly low-income neighborhoods and senior communities. This partnership ensures SDG&E customers have the resources they need during a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) event.