Political Activity Disclosure

San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) is sponsoring a formal campaign committee to communicate about a proposed ballot initiative that would municipalize the electric distribution system in the city of San Diego. A copy of the proposed ballot initiative can be found here.

Proponents of the municipalization measure, called Power San Diego, have initiated the process to collect voter signatures to place it on the November 2024 ballot. The campaign committee sponsored by SDG&E (Responsible Energy San Diego) has been established in accordance with both state and local election laws and will be subject to campaign disclosure requirements, including all contributions and expenditures. SDG&E is expected to provide most of the funding for the campaign committee.

SDG&E is providing this notice for additional transparency to stakeholders about the political activity. Campaign funding details can be accessed at the following link: www.sandiego.gov/donors.

Paid for by Responsible Energy San Diego; Ad Committee’s Top Funder San Diego Gas & Electric Company