Distribution Loss Factors

SDG&E's DLFs are calculated based on SDG&E's hourly forecast of its system area Load.  All DLFs include a component to account for Unaccounted for Energy (UFE).  The UFE component results in a DLF slightly greater than 1.00, i.e. 1.0065, for customers who are served at Transmission Voltage level.  DLFs may be used to adjust forecast and scheduled Loads to ISO grid level equivalent values.

DLFs must be used to adjust actual meter data to ISO grid level equivalent values, using the DLFs based on the serving voltage level to the Direct Access (DA) customer, prior to submission to the ISO.  Upon request, SDG&E will provide the ESP or its Scheduling Coordinator the serving voltage level for each DA customer it represents.

Daily,  SDG&E will publish its hourly DLFs, for each of four voltages, Sub Transmission, Primary, Secondary, and Transmission.  The Date/hour is provided in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).  ESPs, or their Scheduling Coordinators, doing business in the SDG&E service area must use these DLFs to adjust actual meter data prior to submission to the ISO. 


Assume that an ESP has two customers, A and B, whose actual meter data must be reported to the ISO.

A is served at secondary voltage, and its actual meter read for hour 10 of July 15  was 100 kwh.  This consumption would be multiplied by the Secondary DLF for hour 10 of July 15 of 1.0444, to calculate the meter data that must be reported to the ISO for hour 10 of July 15 (100 kwh x 1.0444 = 104.44 kwh)

B is served at primary voltage, and its actual meter read for hour 10 of July 15  was 100 kwh.  This consumption would be multiplied by the Primary DLF for hour 10 of July 15  of  1.0111, to calculate the meter data that must be reported to the ISO for hour 10 of July 15 (100 kwh x 1.0111 = 101.11 kwh)

The process is repeated for every hour of the day being reported.

Service Area Historical Information