On December 1, 2023, technology support for the Home Area Network will end and no new devices can be connected.

Getting started with HAN devices

Step 1: Determine if you're eligible

Before you buy a Home and Business Area Network device, please make sure you meet the following criteria:

  • You have an active SDG&E account
  • You have a compatible electric smart meter (not a legacy analog meter)
  • You have a place for the device in your home or business that is within 75 feet of your smart meter

Step 2: Purchase your device

The device you purchase must:

HAN device manufacturer web sites and online retailers offer these products. See list of compatible HAN devices.

Step 3: Log in to My Energy Center

  • Once you're logged in to My Energy Center , select the “Ways to Save” dropdown on the right side of the page then click on Home Area Network. You'll verify your account and meter information and agree to Terms and Conditions. My Energy Center will prompt you to go to CEIVA’s web site to complete the process. Ceiva is our authorized contractor for adding and removing meter-connected devices.
  • Using CEIVA’s web site, you'll enter a “MAC ID” or “EUID” and “Install Code” or “IN Code” which should be provided on the back of your device, the device packaging, labeling or sometimes in the device menu options. These are 16-digit alphanumeric codes that may or may not be separated by periods, which are required to recognize and register your device to your meter.  
    • ​The MAC address and install Code are sequences of numbers and letters unique to each device.
    • Special characters (e.g., :, ;, *) should not be used when typing in the MAC Address and Install Code.
    • These codes use numbers and letters that look similar such as the number zero and the letter "O" so make sure that you enter them correctly.  
    • TIP: Take a photo of the numbers and enlarge them on your screen. 
    • Please call Customer Support at 1-800-644-6133 to make corrections to numbers entered incorrectly. 

You'll receive an email confirming that your device is now registered to your smart meter. Depending on your device, you may need to perform steps to complete the connection process. Refer to your device instructions. 

Step 4: Begin tracking your energy consumption information

Now you're ready to receive near-real time energy consumption information from the device that will allow you to make smart decisions about your energy use. 


For optimum performance of any HAN device, it’s highly recommended that it be set up in a location within your home or business that’s no more than 75 feet away from the smart meter.

The functionality of each device is unique to the manufacturer. We'lll make every attempt to register your device to the smart meter; however, we cannot be held responsible if the device doesn't connect or if the device doesn't function as expected.

  • Connection assistance. If you need assistance to connect your device to the smart meter, please email or call.
  • Functionality assistance. If you have questions about your device's functionality, please contact your device manufacturer.

We recognize that your privacy is important and take measures to protect your customer information collected by the smart meter. However, it's important for you to know that once you enable a device to receive your data from the meter, we have no way to protect this transmitted information. Therefore, if you are concerned about privacy or security, be sure to select a device that best meets your needs.

Contact the manufacturer or retailer if you have any questions about how the device protects your information.

If you decide to disconnect your device, move or close your account, please notify us to disconnect your device from the smart meter. You may email, call or visit My Energy Center:

Connection process: For questions concerning the device connection process, email or call us.

Device functionality: If you have questions about how your device works, please contact the device manufacturer. 

*The selection, purchase, and ownership of goods and services are the sole responsibility of the customer. SDG&E makes no warranty, whether express or implied, including warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, use or application of selected goods and services.