Your Personal Pricing on Whenergy HourX

The hourly pricing on Whenergy HourX varies based on the forecasted energy demand. Each day, around
6 p.m., your day-ahead forecasted pricing1 will be posted. Your hourly pricing is specific to your account.

SDG&E Smart Phone App

You can also view your day-ahead forecasted pricing through the SDG&E app. The “Whenergy Alerts & Info” section provides features that will help you manage your energy use on Whenergy HourX. Enter in your personal code once and the app will remember you when you check your prices daily.

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Alerts for Surcharges and Pricing Updates

As a member of the study, you’ll receive an email that will alert you if the next day’s demand for energy is forecasted to be high. You’ll need to go to your personal pricing chart to see the surcharge price and the timing of the forecasted high-demand hours. There can be up to 350 high-demand hours in a year and the surcharges may vary. If the actual price is less than the forecasted price, a surplus energy credit will be applied to your bill. The surcharge price will be available at the same time your forecasted hourly pricing is posted.

You’ll also receive a separate daily email letting you know when the daily forecasted pricing has been posted. Once you’re familiar with looking up your daily pricing, you can unsubscribe from the daily notification.


Study Timing

October 2016 through December 2017



  • You’ll complete two surveys (Spring 2017 and end of 2017).
  • Your $200 bill credit2 will be divided into three payments - late Fall 2016, Spring 2017 and the end of 2017. This is based on your completion of the surveys over the course of the study. After you complete each survey, a credit will be applied to your bill.
  • If you leave the study early, or do not complete the surveys, you won’t receive any further compensation/bill credits.


Pilot Bill Protection

Regardless of any fluctuation on your bill, you’ll be covered by Pilot Bill Protection which will go into effect for the first 12 months of the study. We'll compare the charges you would've incurred on the current or standard residential rate to Whenergy HourX and if the current or standard rate has lower costs, you’ll get a credit back on your bill.

1The forecasted pricing is based on estimates and projections, and is for informational purposes only. All calculations are approximate and may include estimated or missing data. Please refer to your monthly bill for actual use information.

2Participants can get up to $200 in bill credits for participating in this study. SDG&E employees are not eligible to receive this incentive.

This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by SDG&E under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. Rebates and incentives are provided on a first-come, first-served basis until program funds are no longer available.