Leadership Awards

We're proud to have been recognized for our environmental leadership. In 2013, S US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) honored SDG&E with our second consecutive Climate Leadership Award for being a leader with comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories, aggressive emissions reduction goals and leading edge management of GHGs in their supply chains.



  • US EPA Organizational Leadership Climate Change Award

  • Regional Business of the Year from SD East County Chamber of Commerce

  • Association of Environmental Professionals Award for outstanding public involvement/education program


  • ReliabilityOne Award by PA Consulting Group

  • "The Smartest Utility" in the nation by Intelligent Utility Magazine and IDC Energy Insights - 3rd year in a row

  • Silver Anvil Award for Sunrise PowerLink for Public Relations

  • Metering International Excellence Award for Smart Grid initiative

  • Arbor Day Celebration Award at Lilac Elementary School

  • “Tree Line USA Utility” for 10 consecutive years

  • American Cultural Resources Association Award

  • Corporate Innovator of the Year Award for the SDG&E Clean Transportation Program