Net Energy Metering
Fuel Cell (NEM-FC)

The Net Energy Metering for Fuel Cell Customer-Generators (NEM-FC) rate schedule is an optional rate schedule for a customer who installs a fuel cell generator to supply some or all of the customer's own energy needs.
Important Note: No new Permissions to Operate (PTO) will be issued to NEM-FC projects after December 31, 2023.
The recent California Public Utilities Commission’s Decision 23-11-068, Ordering Paragraph (OP) 28, requires utilities to verify that NEM-FC customers, whose PTO date falls after January 1, 2017, meet the current year’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions standards set by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). OP 29 requires SDG&E to publish anonymized annual performance data submitted pursuant to OP 28 starting at the end of March 2024. Since OP 28 compliance by customers is scheduled to begin in 2024, no performance data are available in March 2024.