Plan for the Future

The California Energy Design Assistance (CEDA) program encourages the design and construction of high-performance projects that offer economic, health and environmental advantages to building owners, building occupants, and the public.


It pays to get an early start on energy efficiency  

  • Customer segments served:  Commercial, Public, High-rise multifamily, Industrial, and Agricultural
  • New Construction and/or major alteration

  • Must be in design phase or have customer willingness to modify design to improve energy efficiency

  • Exceed standard practice, code and current design

How does the CEDA program work?

  1. Enrollment - You provide schematic information about your building through our Energy Design Assistance application
  2. Preliminary Analysis - Together we perform a real-time evaluation of energy-efficiency measures and bundle potential whole-building strategies for further analysis
  3.  Final Analysis - You determine the strategies bundle that best aligns with your project goals, from which projected energy savings and utility incentives are determined
  4. Verification - We confirm your project was constructed to plan and issue a final report for you and your utility provider
  5. Incentives - Incentives will be issues for the strategies implemented in your project


Willdan is the third-party implementer and energy efficiency service provider. They will work with you to provide intelligent energy analysis so you can make informed energy decisions.

Learn More(link is external)

Current Savings By Design Customers

Download the handbook

Savings By Design Installation Complete? 

Request Post-Inspection

Email project name and address to sends email) 

Download and review Post-Inspection/Engineering Checklist

The checklist helps to streamline the review and payment process

Download the checklist

Submit required documentation

Our engineers will calculate your incentives and savings. To send files securely, contact us at sends email) to request access.