Exclusions from 2019 Time-of-Use transition
The following customers will be exempt from the 2019 mass transition to Time-of-Use pricing:
- Customers participating in the Medical Baseline program
- Customers who are eligible for the CARE or FERA programs and who also live in SDG&E’s Mountain and Desert climate zones
- Customers who installed solar systems after 6/29/16 and before 3/31/18 (NEM 2.0). These customers will be transitioned to a Time-of-Use pricing plan either five years from the date their system is activated or June 2021, whichever comes first.
- Customers who are already on a Time-of-Use plan, including electric vehicle (EV) plans
- For a complete list of exclusions, visit: http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PublishedDocs/Published/G000/M250/K279/250279386.PDF, Section 3.4.