CARE/FERA Sub Metered application

Fill out the form to see if you qualify for:

  • Monthly discount on your SDG&E® bill
  • No cost energy efficient home improvements that will save you money and energy now and for years to come
Contact Information
My SDG&E bill comes from

If you receive your bill directly from SDG&E, complete this application instead. 

Is this a mobile home?
Number of Persons in Household
Are you or a member of your household disabled?

Qualification may be based on total household income or participation in certain public assistance programs.

Do you participate in certain public assistance programs?
Public Assistance Programs
I am currently enrolled in one of the following programs:
Income Guidelines

Household Size







Not Eligible




Not Eligible

























Each Additional Person




*Total household income is all taxable and non-taxable revenues, from all household members, from whatever sources derived, including but not limited to: wages, salaries, interest, dividends, spousal and child support payments; public assistance payments, Social Security and pensions, rental income, income from self-employment, and all employment-related non-cash income.

Effective June 1, 2024 – May, 31, 2025

Household Income
If you do not participate in any public assistance programs, please check all sources of total annual household income for all members of the household

If you are an agency or contractor please add your source code and employee ID# here. Customers please skip and proceed to Terms And Conditions.

I state that the information I have provided in this application is true and correct. I agree to provide proof of income if asked. I agree to inform SDG&E if I no longer qualify. I know that if I receive any discount without qualifying for it, I may be required to pay back the discount I received.

I understand that SDG&E can share my information with other utilities or their agents to enroll me in their assistance programs.

If you qualify for the no cost home improvement upgrades (The Energy Savings Assistance Program) you will receive a call from our authorized contractor to set up a time for an in-home visit to see what services you may qualify for. They will then inform you of the next steps.