Auto Debit
Auto Debit is an electronic payment option where your monthly payment is automatically deducted from your designated checking account. You'll still continue to receive a monthly SDG&E bill; however, your checking account will be debited automatically for the amount due shown on your bill 10 days after we mail your bill to you.
Auto Debit is open to all residential and business customers. A customer’s account must be in good standing without any existing payment arrangements and without more than one returned check within the last 12-month period.
How to Enroll
To enroll, print and mail the Enrollment Form along with a voided or canceled check. The mailing address is on the form. You may also bring the completed form and a voided check to a local payment office.
You'll receive a confirmation letter when enrollment is completed.
If I Enroll in Auto Debit, Can I Also Make Online Payments?
If you enroll in Auto Debit and you make an online payment through My Account, you’ll automatically be taken off of Auto Debit to prevent any duplicate payments. After making your first online payment, you’ll receive one more paper bill by mail before paper bills are stopped. However, you’ll continue to receive monthly email notifications letting you know that your bill is ready to be viewed and paid online.
There is no charge from SDG&E to participate, however, some financial institutions may charge a fee for electronic fund transfers. Please check with your bank about any fees that may apply.
Returned Payments
Payments in the form of account debit requests may be rejected by your financial institution because of insufficient funds, closed/unauthorized accounts or other reasons. Check with your financial institution for possible charges it may charge you.
If your payment is rejected, SDG&E will charge a $7.00 processing fee on your next bill. SDG&E reserves the right to terminate your participation in SDG&E Pay-by-Phone if your financial institution refuses to make electronic payment more than once within a 12-month period.
Updating Your Information
If you change financial institutions or other information, call 1-800-411-7343 for a change form. Inaccurate information may result in electronic payments being refused by your financial institution.
SDG&E will not be responsible for losses, expenses, or other liabilities that result from inaccurate information or failure to provide us with timely notification of changes.
You may cancel your enrollment at any time. Send your request to the address below. Requests for cancellation will become effective within 10 business days after we receive your written notification.
Attn: APO Processing, CP61C
P.O. Box 129831
San Diego, CA 92112-9831