The Comprehensive Energy
Management Solutions
(CEMS) Program

The CEMS program helps large commercial customers offset the cost of installing new, more efficient equipment with cash incentives for eligible upgrades. Whether you’re a grocery store owner or manage a multi-building operation, the CEMS program can help you save money while reducing energy use at your facility.

CEM hero

As of December 31, 2024, the Comprehensive Energy Management Solutions (CEMS) program has closed.

Commercial retail, office, wholesale, and entertainment businesses, please visit SD EnergyEdge to learn more about program offerings starting in January 2025.

For all other commercial customers, please get in touch with SDG&E at [email protected].

Customer Experience

Improve Customer Experience

Improve indoor comfort and provide a welcoming environment for your customers.

Increase Profits

Improve Profits

Reduce operating costs and energy usage while increasing the overall property value.

Environmental Impact

Reduce environmental impacts

Reduce CO2 emissions and enhance environmental stewardship.

Is My Business Eligible?

To meet the program requirements, you must:

  • Be an existing commercial gas or electric customer on a qualifying rate schedule within the SDG&E service territory.
  • Have a monthly electrical demand greater than 20 kW over the most recent 12-month period.

More Information

Financing for Upgrades

You may qualify for financing to make upgrades that lower your energy costs without paying anything more.

On-Bill Financing (OBF)

OBF offers eligible non-residential utility customers a zero-percent interest, unsecured loan for qualifying energy-efficient business improvements.

Statewide GoGreenFinancing

Qualifying business and nonprofit customers can combine rebates and incentives with attractive financing through the state-administered program. Learn more at

Please contact a TRC representative to help navigate which financing program is most suitable for you. 


TRC Companies

TRC is the third-party implementer and energy efficiency service provider. They will work with you to provide personalized energy-saving recommendations to make your business more energy efficient and improve your bottom line.