Arrearage Management Payment (AMP) Plan
Terms and Conditions of Enrollment
SDG&E’s Arrearage Management Payment (AMP) Plan is available to all residential customers currently enrolled in the CARE or FERA program and who have a past due balance of at least $250 on their gas only account or at least $500 on their electric and gas account.
Eligible customers can receive debt forgiveness, up to a maximum of $8,000, if they pay the current month’s charges in full and on time for 12 consecutive months following enrollment.
If a customer misses two consecutive payments or more than two non-consecutive payments within the 12-month period, the customer will no longer be eligible for the plan. Upon termination from the Plan, any remaining AMP amount will be added to the customer’s current account balance and will be due immediately.
If a customer’s current month’s charges become past-due, the customer must pay their current month’s charges plus any past-due charges on their next monthly bill to remain enrolled in the AMP Plan.
If a customer is disenrolled from the Plan for any reason, the customer will not be eligible to re-enroll in the AMP Plan for a period of twelve months, beginning the first month after the plan is terminated. Customers must meet the AMP Plan Eligibility and Enrollment Criteria to re-enroll.
Upon enrollment in the AMP plan, the customer’s monthly bill will contain a statement of the current month’s charges due for payment and the updated AMP balance. The monthly bill will be sent to the customer via their preferred delivery method.
The AMP Plan will forgive debt up to $8,000 for eligible customers. If an enrolled customer has more than $8,000 in past due arrearage, the customer remains responsible for paying the arrearage amount in excess of the $8,000. At the time of successful AMP completion, any amount in excess of $8,000 is owed to the utility and may be eligible for a separate payment plan.
If a customer’s payment is returned for any reason, and no other payment has been received prior to payment due date, that month’s bill will be considered past-due and will not be eligible for that month’s 1/12th debt forgiveness. On the next monthly bill, the customer must pay current month’s charges plus the past-due charges to remain enrolled in the AMP Plan and receive debt forgiveness amounts for both the current and past-due periods.
Customer’s enrolled in the AMP Plan are also eligible to participate in SDG&E’s Level Pay Plan to make current monthly charges more predictable. Visit for details.