Solar Billing Plan Export Pricing
Understanding Export Pricing
View our guide to learn more about the columns and rows in the Export Pricing files.
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Methodology for calculating the Energy Export Credit Rates from the Most Recently Approved Avoided Cost Calculator:
The Energy Export Credits for a given installation vintage of customers in a given calendar year are based on the applicable vintage of Avoided Cost Calculator (ACC) forecast of values for that year. Because the ACC outputs different values by climate zone and for every hour of the year, the following process is used to aggregate values into a single set of values for each month, day-type, and hour for all SDG&E customers.
- For each Climate Zone, create a set of 8760 hourly avoided costs using the ACC value for the Delivery component, applicable to both bundled and unbundled customers, and the Generation component, applicable only to bundled customers.
- Take the straight-average ACC value across the Climate Zones for each hour.
- Because the Avoided Cost Calculator output is in Pacific Standard Time, adjust time and hour labels to account for daylight savings time, and identify weekdays and weekend/holidays.
- For each monthly Delivery and Generation components, calculate the average of all prices by hour, per weekday and weekend. This calculation will render the Energy Export Credit components (Delivery and Generation) for each month’s weekday and weekend values.
- For each hour and weekday/weekend, the full Energy Export Credit will then be the sum of the corresponding Generation and Delivery components for that hour/weekday/weekend.
Note: Because the Net Billing Tariff (NBT) Energy Export Credits are adjusted for daylight savings time, the date and time labeling has also been adjusted to reflect daylight savings time.
Holidays include New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.