SDG&E Solar Pricing Plans
When you submit your application, you’ll be able to select an electricity pricing plan. If you don’t select a pricing plan, we automatically enroll you into a Time-of-Use plan, but you can switch to another plan at any time. It’s important to consider any planned or possible changes that will affect your future energy usage, like buying an electric car, as it will influence which plan is best for you.
- Need Help Deciding? Log in to My Energy Center for online tools and resources to help you make an informed decision based on your specific energy goals and habits.
- No matter which plan you elect to use, be sure to sign up for energy alerts to avoid any surprises.
- Medical Baseline Customers: If you use electrically powered medical equipment at home, our default plan may not be right for you. Make sure to choose a plan that supports your needs.
Time of Use
With Time of Use, it matters not only how much energy you use but also when you use it. These pricing plans give you more choice and control for managing your energy use. Learn More
Want a Rate Analysis?
Once you’ve had a renewable system for 12 months, you can access our easy rate analysis tool in My Energy Center to help you choose the best plan for you.