Critical Facilities and Infrastructure (CFI) Survey


As we prepare year-round for wildfire season, SDG&E wants to ensure our customers are prepared. If you would like to request for your facility to be classified as a CFI customer, please complete the following survey. For customers that have already been classified as CFI, you are able to update your contact information and responses to the survey questions below at any time.  

Please be sure to provide 24-hour contact information and backup power resources at your facility should we need to contact you during Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events. Please also download the  Emergency Preparedness Checklist For Business.

Organization Information
Service Address (as it appears on your SDG&E bill)
Contact Information
Survey Questions
Is your organization currently classified as a “Critical Facility” or “Critical Infrastructure?”
Does your organization have an emergency preparedness plan that includes guidance on business continuity should there be a loss of grid power?
Does your organization have backup generators to support your critical operations?

Be sure to visit or email sends email) for more information or if you have any questions.