For real-time outage information, please visit our Outage Map.
Public Safety Power Shutoffs
We are actively monitoring the potential for high fire risk weather conditions. These conditions may require us to turn off the power for public safety.
Period of concern: December 9th at 12 p.m. through December 13th at 12 p.m.
Designated At-Risk Communities
At risk for PSPS
Power shut off
Current Customers Affected
Communities Shut Off |
Number of Customers Shut Off |
Potential Customers Affected
Potential Communities |
Potential Number of Customers |
Community Resource Centers
Community Resource Center |
Facility Name |
Address |
Julian Community Resource Center | Whispering Winds Catholic Camp | 17606 Harrison Park Road, Julian, 92036 |
Resources for Individuals with Access and Functional Needs
We have partnered with 2-1-1 San Diego to assist individuals with access and functional needs (AFN), for more information dial 2-1-1 or visit their website:
Additional resources for AFN customers are available on our AFN Resource page.
Prepare for a Public Safety Power Shutoff
More Information
Learn more about when we turn off power to protect public safety, including frequently asked questions.