Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (Re-MAT)
for Small Renewable Generation

Re-MAT Program Summary

SDG&E’s ReMAT offers power purchase agreements to distribution-level renewable projects sized at 3 MWs or less from three product categories: baseload (typically including geothermal, bioenergy and hydro), peaking (typically including solar) and non-peaking (typically including wind). ReMAT was established by CPUC Decisions (D.) 12-05-035 (link is external)and (D.) 13-05-034(link is external) to implement Senate Bill (SB) 32. SDG&E’s ReMAT was closed by the California Public Utilities Commission (“Commission” or “CPUC”) on December 15, 2016 and ordered re-opened in D.21-12-032(link is external) to procure 20.9 MW (the “Program Cap”), split equally among the three product types.



The program rules are described in more detail in the Re-MAT Tariff (Schedule ReMAT) and standard Re-MAT Contract (ReMAT PPA).   Go to California Public Utilities Commission Web site(link is external) for Additional program information.


Re-MAT Tariff and PPA

Download the Re-MAT Tariff (states the rules of the program)

Download the standard Re-MAT contract (provides the non-modifiable terms of the power purchase agreement for Re-MAT projects)

Document Conflict 

This Web site is intended to provide a summary level discussion of the information and requirements established in the Re-MAT Tariff and Re-MAT Contract. To the extent that there are any inconsistencies between the information provided here and the requirements in the Re-MAT Tariff and Contract, the Re-MAT Tariff and Contract shall govern.


How to Apply

To apply for the ReMAT program, you must register as an Applicant and submit a PPR on SDG&E’s ReMAT Feed-in Tariff(link is external) platform (powered by Accion Group).  Program materials, instruction guides, and more are available to non-registered visitors of the site under the Program Documents tab.

Frequently Asked Questions

Current Amount of Unsubscribed Capacity:  CPUC Decision D.12-05-035 required SDG&E to procure 48.8 MWs, minus what it has already procured under its existing renewable FIT program (the CRE and WATER tariffs).  D.21-12-032 ordered SDG&E’s ReMAT program to be reopened to procure up to the Program Cap of 20.9 megawatts (MW), which represents SDG&E’s unsubscribed, allocated share of the total statewide program cap of 750 MW, as provided for in PUC Section 399.20.

Guidance on obtaining QF status can be located at the following FERC address.

See Qualifying Facilities page on the FERC Web site(link is external)

Public Utilities Code § 399.12 defines an “eligible renewable resource” as a facility that meets the definition of a Renewable Electrical Generation Facility in Section 25741 of the Public Resources Code, subject to certain restrictions.  Section 25741 (a) is provided below:

25741.  As used in this chapter, the following terms have the following meaning:

   (a) "Renewable electrical generation facility" means a facility that meets all of the following criteria:

   (1) The facility uses biomass, solar thermal, photovoltaic, wind, geothermal, fuel cells using renewable fuels, small hydroelectric generation of 30 megawatts or less, digester gas, municipal solid waste conversion, landfill gas, ocean wave, ocean thermal, or tidal current, and any additions or enhancements to the facility using that technology.

   (2) The facility satisfies one of the following requirements:

   (A) The facility is located in the state or near the border of the state with the first point of connection to the transmission network of a balancing authority area primarily located within the state.  For purposes of this subparagraph, "balancing authority area" has the same meaning as defined in Section 399.12 of the Public Utilities Code.

   (B) The facility has its first point of interconnection to the transmission network outside the state, within the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) service area, and satisfies all of the following requirements:

   (i) It commences initial commercial operation after January 1, 2005.

   (ii) It will not cause or contribute to any violation of a California environmental quality standard or requirement.

   (iii) It participates in the accounting system to verify compliance with the renewables portfolio standard once established by the commission pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 399.25 of the Public Utilities Code.

   (C) The facility meets the requirements of clauses (ii) and (iii) in subparagraph (B), but does not meet the requirements of clause (i) of subparagraph (B) because it commenced initial operation prior to January 1, 2005, if the facility satisfies either of the following requirements:

   (i) The electricity is from incremental generation resulting from expansion or repowering of the facility.

   (ii) Electricity generated by the facility was procured by a retail seller or local publicly owned electric utility as of January 1, 2010.

   (3) If the facility is outside the United States, it is developed and operated in a manner that is as protective of the environment as a similar facility located in the state.

   (4) If eligibility of the facility is based on the use of landfill gas, digester gas, or another renewable fuel delivered to the facility through a common carrier pipeline, the transaction for the procurement of that fuel, including the source of the fuel and delivery method, satisfies the requirements of Section 399.12.6 of the Public Utilities Code and is verified pursuant to the accounting system established by the commission pursuant to 399.25 of the Public Utilities Code, or a comparable system, as determined by the commission.

Delivery Periods and Price

For the purpose of calculating monthly payments, the generation will be time-differentiated according to the time period and season (“Time of Delivery Periods”) and the pricing shall be weighted by the factors set forth below.

TOD Period

Period Days and Hours *

TOD Factor for Projects Providing Resource Adequacy

TOD Factor for Energy- Only Projects

Winter On-Peak

Nov 1 - Jun 30

Weekdays 1 pm to 9 pm PST (HE 14 to HE 21)



Winter Semi-Peak


Nov 1 - Jun 30

Weekdays 6 am to 1 pm PST (HE 7 to HE 13) Weekdays 9 pm to 10 pm PST (HE 22)



Winter Off-Peak

Nov 1 - Jun 30

All Weekend Hours NERC Holiday Hours and Weekday Hours not already considered On-Peak or Semi-Peak



Summer On-Peak

Jul 1 - Oct 31

Weekdays 11 am to 7 pm PST (HE 12 to HE 19)



Summer Semi-Peak

Jul 1 - Oct 31

Weekdays 6 am to 11 am PST (HE 7 to HE 11) Weekdays 7 pm to 10 pm PST (HE 20 to HE 22)



Summer Off-Peak

Jul 1 - Oct 31

All Weekend Hours, NERC Holiday Hours and Weekday Hours not already considered On-Peak or Semi-Peak




*All hours during National Electric Reliability Council (NERC) holidays are off-peak. HE refers to Hour Ending.

NOTE:  SDG&E may update its TOD factors to reflect current market conditions.  Please refer to this website frequently for updates.


Price and Payment (see section 3.7 of the Re-MAT Contract for further details)

The monthly payment shall equal the sum of the monthly TOD Period payments for all TOD Periods in the month.  Each monthly TOD Period payment shall be calculated pursuant to the following formula:



A  =     Contract Price (please refer to Schedule ReMAT for current price) .

B  =     The Payment Allocation Factor for the TOD Period being calculated.

C  =    The sum of Energy recorded by the meter in all hours for the TOD Period being calculated.

D  =     Any Energy produced by the Facility for which Buyer is not obligated to pay Seller


Customers can select a term of 10, 15 or 20 years.

Full Buy/Sell – SDG&E will purchase every kilowatt-hour produced by the Generating Facility.  
Excess Sale – Only the excess electricity produced and exported to SDG&E’s electric system will be purchased.

  • SDG&E owns any RECs associated with all power generated and exported to the grid and purchased by SDG&E. 
  • SDG&E will count the RECs purchased toward fulfilling its goal under California’s Renewables Portfolio Standard.

The customer is responsible for requesting interconnection to SDG&E and providing the required fees and equipment additions needed to insure a safe and reliable interconnection.

IMPORTANT: The completed interconnection studies required prior to participating in Re-MAT may take several months to complete. Please contact SDG&E’s Customer Generation Department early.
You can start by visiting SDG&E’s Customer Generation and Interconnection web page.

For More Information

For more information about applying for SDG&E’s Re-MAT, please contact:

  • (858) 650-6177 or (619) 696-3019

For more information about interconnection, please contact: (619) 895-1121.

For more information regarding the Re-MAT program, please  Visit the CPUC website(link is external) or contact the CPUC Public Advisor’s Office:

For more information regarding this notice, please email SDG& sends email)