Solar Contractor Guide

Most home and business clients are under 30kW load. As their trusted contractor, you’ll complete permits and paperwork on their behalf. Here, we’ve outlined the major steps you’ll take in partnership with us to complete your client’s application and get them connected to the grid.

Process Overview

Nem Application Process graph


Apply Online

Please submit your application two weeks prior to city and/or county inspection to avoid unexpected delays. Online applications are processed within 24 hours of being received (Mon-Fri, excluding holidays). You will receive a confirmation response via email upon processing. If you are planning a more complex or commercial project, your representative may ask for additional information.

Take the Fast Track

Want to expedite the turn-on process? Your customer is eligible for Fast Track if their system size is less than 30kW, the application is submitted five business days prior to the city/county inspection, and there are no access issues on the property.  Some requirements apply. See Documents & Forms

Need help? Please email our Net Energy Metering department at sends email)