Renewable Natural Gas and Interconnecting to the SDG&E Pipeline System

Renewable energy is an increasingly important part of California’s clean energy future and you can be a part it. Your business may be able to reduce its carbon footprint, save money or generate revenue with renewable biogas and biomethane.

Here’s how:

Certain businesses produce or handle organic waste that can be repurposed into a clean, renewable fuel source called biogas. When biogas is conditioned or upgraded to pipeline-quality natural gas, it becomes renewable natural gas (RNG). Here are some types of businesses that tend to have enough supplies of the organic waste needed to make RNG:

  • Dairies
  • Landfills
  • Wastewater treatment plants
  • Landfill diversion facilities

To learn more about renewable natural gas, the interconnection process, incentive programs and technologies, visit this website(link is external).  SoCalGas manages the gas interconnection process for SDG&E customers. If you'd like to submit an application to reserve your RNG interconnection reservation, please click here(link is external).