Community Tree Programs

San Diego Gas & Electric has been a long-time partner in regional urban forestry, supporting tree planting, offering tree care best practices and providing education about the importance of trees. Our mantra, “right tree, right place”, extends beyond the 460,000+ trees in our maintenance program to support community partners and customers in their tree planting efforts.

SDG&E’s Sustainability Strategy outlines our commitment to plant at least 10,000 trees annually to support biodiversity, improve air quality, sequester carbon and conserve water – all benefits to our local communities, including schools and tribal lands. SDG&E works in partnership with residential customers, cities, agencies and nonprofit partners to expand the size and health of our region's tree canopy.

SDG&E offers a variety of tree planting and care programs,
based on community and partner needs:

Community Tree Program

SDG&E Community Tree Rebate Program 

Qualifying residential customers can receive up to 5 rebates annually.


Sustainable Tree Program

SDG&E Sustainable Tree Program

This program is for qualifying community partners.


Fruit Tree Program

Healthy Communities Fruit Tree Program 

This program is for qualifying schools and community gardens.


Tree Giveaway Events

Tree Giveaway

SDG&E is partnering with local community organizations to host a series of events.


Things to consider before planting trees

Do you have overhead power lines on your property? 

  • If you do, refer to our Right Tree, Right Place graphic on our tree list page to determine the best place to plant your tree. If power lines are present, select trees that will only grow to 25 ft tall.

Do you have underground utilities, such as gas, water, or sewer pipes?

  • Contact Dig Alert by calling 811 to schedule a mark-out.

How will you water these trees?

  • Consider whether or not you have irrigation installed. Keep in mind each tree needs 5 gallons of water twice a week for the first year. For example, 10 trees would require 100 gallons of water per week. Smaller plant species will need less water. Talk with your local nursery on the best species for your property.

How will you be planting these trees?

  • Planting trees requires a lot of work. Consider whether you have the time and resources for a planting project. Consider pre-digging holes prior to receiving your trees. To keep your trees healthy, SDG&E recommends that they be planted within one week after purchase.

Will this tree be suitable for my area and lifestyle?

  • When deciding which trees will be best for you, use the SelecTree Guide Link to research your tree and find out if it is suitable for your climate, planting zone, lifestyle, etc. For example, some trees may drop a lot of seeds and leaf litter, think about if that is something you want to deal with.

811 Dig

Protect your safety and avoid costly repairs - call 811 - a free service, first

Natural gas pipelines or other underground utilities can be buried anywhere. Before you start any digging project, call 811 or submit a ticket to DigAlert. 

Call 811 or submit a ticket to

Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place

Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place

Get tips for finding the right tree and how to plant it safely and sustainably with SDG&E’s Tree Planting Guide. 

Access SDG&E’s tree planting guide

Urban Forest Council

San Diego Regional Urban Forests Council

There are many other efforts to support the local tree canopy here in the region including the San Diego Regional Urban Forests Council.  

Go to San Diego Regional Urban Forests Council website


If you have any questions or would like to learn more about SDG&E sustainability efforts or tree programs, please email [email protected].