SDG&E Tribal Relations

Serving Tribal Nations


SDG&E is proud to be an energy partner to the 17 tribal nations that are within our 4,100 square mile service territory.

Tribal map
Tribal Fact:

 San Diego County is home to the highest number of Indian reservations in the United States. 

SDG&E also provides support to our service territory’s non-federally recognized tribes and tribal organizations: 

SDG&E provides safe and reliable energy, mitigates wildfires and promotes clean energy solutions to support tribal communities with residential, business and tribal land needs.

SDG&E – Supporting Tribal Relations

SDG&E collaborates with tribal communities in our service territory to protect and preserve cultural resources, enhance wildfire safety and prevention measures, support vital infrastructure, and develop clean energy solutions.

To learn more about how SDG&E’s Tribal Relations team supports the unique needs of our region's 17 sovereign tribal nations, visit

Prevention and Preparedness Are Priorities

Over the past decade, SDG&E has invested more than $3 billion in safety measures to prevent catastrophic wildfires and match the challenges of our ever-changing climate.

Wildfire Safety


Tribal Fact:

In 2021, over 4,600 wildfires originated on Bureau of Indian Affairs protected lands, with nearly 400,000 acres burned.1

1Bureau of Indian Affairs website(link is external)

SDG&E’s commitment to wildfire safety measures for tribal communities includes: 

  • Fire hardening SDG&E infrastructure, including undergrounding distribution lines, covered conductor efforts and other overhead fire hardening
  • Tribal Inclusion with SDG&E investments in weather technology and data analysis
  • Tribal consultation in implementing site-specific technology such as weather stations, drones and camera networks
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Generator program
  • Vegetation management
  • SDG&E power shutoff mobile app
  • SDG&E commitment to wildfire safety

Additionally, SDG&E has cultivated partnerships with tribal community organizations such as the Inter Tribal Long Term Recovery Foundation, Indian Health Council, Southern Indian Health Council, Inc. and others.

Allies for a Sustainable Environment

A core value that SDG&E shares with tribal nations is commitment to a sustainable environment. 

Tribal Fact:

Native American beliefs include a devotion to preserve Nature and care for Mother Earth.

To ensure an equitable energy future for our next generations, SDG&E takes great care in consulting with tribal leaders and officials regarding electric and gas transmission and distribution infrastructure plans, energy innovation programs and a number of tribally focused initiatives.

We are also focused on providing tribal communities with a team of SDG&E professionals who serve as dedicated points of contact for tribal communities to connect on the following initiatives:

  • Safety programs
  • Outage/Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) management
  • Transportation electrification
  • Inspection of electric transmission line and gas pipelines
  • Resource development for renewable energy
  • SDG&E’s Sustainability Strategy

Tribal Community Assistance

SDG&E has integrated many existing support programs and established new resources to address our service territory’s evolving needs.

211 logo
Tribal Fact:

All of San Diego's  tribal communities have access to 2-1-1 service.

SDG&E’s commitment to tribal communities includes:

SDG&E Tribal Relations Team

SDG&E’s Tribal Relations team is available to facilitate your tribal electric and gas needs. SDG&E can also participate at tribal events, co-host Wildfire Safety Fairs, present on SDG&E programs at Tribal Council meetings or drop by for informal meetings to exchange information.  

Tribal Relations Team
Contact Information:


Energy Grants and Resources
California Energy Commission Resources:
Wildfire Mitigation Grants
Community Facilities
  • USDA Rural Development: Community Facilities Grants & Loans
  • Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program | Rural Development (
Recycling Grants
Environmental Grants