You're invited -
Wildfire Safety and Public Safety
Power Shutoff Workshop
Please join us for a virtual workshop to get your feedback session on SDG&E’s Wildfire Mitigation Measures, including Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS).
The safety of our customers, employees and the communities we serve is our highest priority. As such, we continue to harden our grid and enhance our situational awareness capabilities to reduce both the potential for utility-related wildfires and PSPS impacts.
Stakeholder and community feedback on our wildfire safety initiatives, including PSPS, is critical to refining our Wildfire Mitigation Plan (WMP) and advancing public safety in the region. The workshop will include subject matter experts who will provide updates on wildfire and PSPS-related mitigation measures, and an opportunity for you to provide your feedback on our current and proposed efforts.
Over the years, these events have yielded new ideas on how to keep rural communities and customers with access and functional needs safe, and how to mitigate PSPS impacts. Many of the ideas have been incorporated into our WMP and other community support programs.
Please join us as we continue the conversation about wildfire safety and PSPS mitigation measures.
Workshop Information
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Dial-in: (audio only) 1- 858-284-1506
Phone Conference ID: 682 600 283#
To confirm your attendance, please email [email protected]
For additional questions, please email [email protected]
For access and functional needs support, please email [email protected]