Historical Rates and 20 Year Forecasts
The 20-year forecast of credits and charges shown here are based on a methodology ordered by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for use by the state’s electric investor-owned utilities. The forecasts are provided to illustrate potential future changes to the credits and charges to help you evaluate the impact of your potential participation in the GTSR program. As the CPUC acknowledged in Decision 16-05-006, an estimate of GTSR credits and charges for 20 years (or even 5 or 10 years) is challenging and unlikely to be accurate. Moreover, the 20-year forecasts shown here are not necessarily representative of SDG&E-specific forecasts of rate components. SDG&E can neither predict nor guarantee any actual cost savings or increases due to changes to these credits and charges, and such changes will affect actual costs. Please contact SDG&E for more information about this forecast. If you have a SDG&E account representative, please contact them for more information about this forecast and your available rate options.
SDG&E submitted its 20-year rate forecasts to the CPUC for approval on July 1, 2016, via Advice Letter 2918-E. These forecasts are pending approval by the CPUC.